It takes too friggin' long and is way too bothersome to post all my pics on DeviantArt, so I'm dumping my forum/group chat rp related ones here instead. And you know what? IT'S SUMMER VACATION, YO! If you guys want me to draw a little something for you, lemme know and I'll add your request to my currently ongoing list. =w=
THE LIST- PG Russia x Lithuania (coloring background)
- Russia x Nurse!Poland (working on lineart)
- France x Russia
- Alec x Mei fluff
- Alfred in all his BAD ASSERY GOODNESS (coloring/ is also being used as fanart for a fanfiction and was started earlier already)
- Alfred and Antonio "DAT ASS" Carriedo in matador outfits
THE PICSAnyone remember that truth or dare game? >w> <3
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Kuuuya Tooooniiii~
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WIP for the RussLiet one... Fucking backgrounds. >.<
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